Surge protection professional and conformed


Fuchsberg Electric GmbH is an innovative company in the field of lightning and surge protection. We offer unique solutions for lightning and surge protection, even for critical applications where uninterrupted operation must be ensured.

As an internationally operating company with highly qualified employees and state-of-the-art technology, we are the perfect partner for your requirements.

Surge Protection for power supply systems

Professional protection for industries

Requirements in the field of industrial manufacturing are continuously increasing. With ever-growing international competitiveness, resource availability and uninterrupted operational capability represent key factors for attaining high productivity.

To our products

Surge Protection for power supply systems

Protection by standards

Nowadays, there is an increasing tendency of modern single and multi-family homes to develop their own small private in-house data centers. Intelligent sub-distribution modules control lighting, heating and air conditioning systems. Private documents, from tax declaration to family photographs, are saved on personal computers.

To our products

Surge protection for data and information technology

Secure networking

The infrastructure of Industry 4.0 is becoming even more sensitive. With total connectivity, IT components penetrate parts of the system, which was previously reserved for robust electromechanics. In addition, they protect telecommunications systems, as well as transmit and receive systems.

To our products

Fuchsberg Electric GmbH

Am Fuchsberg 6

39112 Magdeburg

Phone+49 391 727699-0+49 391 727699-0

Fax+49 391 727699-29
